Happy Anniversary Abhinav Kapur - 02 Oct 2022 A collection of photos of our 11 years together.October 3, 2011Our first night as a married couple. The name on the TV just symbolized how I felt - that you would be the primary character in our story together, and I would support you and love you until the end of time.October 2, 2012With this trip we carried on our tradition of flying to new countries, exploring all they had to offer by driving their lands, and joyously snapping pictures along the way. You made me realize how much joy there is in travel, and I love being by your side when we experience new things together.October 2, 2014This is an innocent photo - but it symbolizes something I feel every day - you are up, alert, ready to take on the challenge of the day, and I am always catching up, lagging behind. You are the force that drives our family - not a day goes by where I don't give thanks to God for bringing you into my life, and giving me the luck to spend the rest of mine catching up to you.October 2, 2o15Yes, this is a random picture of a burrito. But it was also taken in your old FoodtoEat office on our anniversary. It is a reminder of your grit, hustle, and ambition. You have always been a dreamer, but more than that, someone who sees things through and gets shit done. You push for what you want in life, and you are fearless in the face of any obstacles. That fire, that spirit, is one thing I love so much. I hope that I can always help kindle that fire within you so you can make a dent in the universe.October 2, 2016Part of life is about accomplishing things together - setting a goal and achieving it. I love that on our 5 year anniversary we went back to Del Posto, where we had one of our first fancy dinners together. The first time was kind of weird for me. I was with you, but felt like I didn't belong in the space. When we went back, we went with a deeper appreciate of our love and life together. You gave me that personal knowledge and strength, and I'm forever grateful for it.October 2, 2017A day before our anniversary, but a video that beautifully shows the joy you brought into our lives with Zubin. I can't believe we took that step together. We still say to each other "we're parents!!" You changed the trajectory of our lives forever on April 10, 2016, and again on May 11, 2018. You gave us a whole new reason to fall in love, with each of our children and with the family and life we are building.October 2020Not directly from our anniversary day - but this photo was too good to pass up. You juggle everything with a level of poise that's unmatched. It doesn't matter if the world is falling down around you - you still find a way to hold up those that matter to you, and to always be a strong sense of warmth and comfort.October 2, 2021You are constantly challenging me, pushing me, holding me accountable - all to be the person you know I can be, and the one who is worthy of a boss like you. Thank you for your love.You are a boss. What more can I say? The love of my life. The beginning and the end of everything I am and want to me. Thank you for these 11 years.